Monday, July 14, 2008

Initial thoughts on social security

Social Security. It's time for a solution all age groups can agree with. Social Security may be a moral right, but it is not a constitutional right. The constitution guarantees the right to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. It does not provide a right to happiness. Life does not guarantee of happiness. Life should not guarantee happiness. Life would be too easy and we would fail to advance as a society. Our society was structured to allow individuals to go out and acquire what they could in pursuit of what each individual defined as happiness. Problems breed solutions. Challenges breed collaboration. A lack of guarantees breeds competitiveness. What does a free capitalist society need most? Competitiveness, collaboration and solutions. That is the American way.

The solution I seek: The retirement age should be fixed at 67. Everyone within 10 years (i.e. age 57 and above) should be guaranteed the full benefits the social security system would pay out. Everyone within 15 years (i.e. 52 and above) should be guaranteed 50% of the total benefit payout. Within 20 years (i.e. 47 and above) should be guaranteed 30%. Everyone else is free to set up their own personal account and are responsible for their own retirement. If they fail to save, then they rely on their family or they continue to work or they are screwed. (But thats life. If you fail you fail. Nothing makes people work harder than the prospect of failure)

The benefit of this type of system is that we slowly over time ween ourselves off the social security system. An entitlement program that will bankrupt the country over time. The statistics do not show otherwise. We cannot allow ourselves to continue to be a socialistic country. Or if we continue, we should stop kidding ourselves that our markets are free and admit we are very socialistic.

That is enough ranting for now. Post comments

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